A Strong Vitality is the Key to Health

The body always tries to heal. In fact the entire Universe is geared towards preservation of life. In its wholeness it is a highly benevolent entity. Ordinarily disease is a disturbance that arises when that benevolence is threatened in any manner. This is why the pioneer ayurveds always harped on developing the positive qualities; happiness, love, forgiving nature and compassion. 

Of the three states of mind Tamas (dullness), Rajas (passionate activity) and Sattva (purity, knowledge, and harmony), the Sattva state has to be cultivated for good health of both the individual and society. Ayurveda has rules and regulations according to the physical and mental makeup of the person, and according to how that structure is affected by the seasons; the environment.

Cure has a direction. It moves from within outward. The common diseases of childhood often reflect this. The vitality is at its strongest in infancy. This vitality deals with the inherited disease load that it seeks to correct. We see inflammation, fevers and eruptions. All the three are actually part of the process whereby the inherited disease load is thrown out. The body also adapts to the environment that is seen in the form of the developing microbiome; burping vomiting and passing loose stools. All that is needed is nutritional and environmental support; the mother’s milk and touch, a soothing atmosphere and patience. A strong response does not indicate the ferocity of disease, but a strong vitality.

What is this vitality? It is the life force. You may call it energy. It is the distinguishing feature of life. It is the cosmic energy that enters the body in the form of a spark that has been noticed when the sperm attaches itself to the ovum. Conscious life it is said comes in later when the embryo is a bit developed. Then it starts moving. Vitality is more than strength and energy. It is also the blueprint of development that expresses itself through the life form it manifests. Thus it is a very intelligent and conscious form of energy that takes care of all the vital functions of the body. The vitality is preserved by positivity and dissipated by negativity.

This is why in India we had certain practices. The first was Brahmacharya or celibacy. It was essentially the conservation of positive energy. The best of energy goes towards procreation as life always prefers a flowering of good intentions. Celibacy seems difficult in today's world because our bodies and minds have become toxic. If we can resort to detoxification procedures the body and the mind can come under our control. Traditionally positivity was reflected in an aspiration towards the Divine. Aspiration to the Divine comes naturally to a person who is healthy at physical and mental levels.  Lifestyle was oriented in a manner that good qualities were cultivated.

Ayurveda is based on the prana shakti. "Prana is succinctly defined as the “life force”—a special version of the cosmic intelligence that governs the sun and the stars, and the atoms in a rock, as well as the complex cells, organs, and mind of a human being. Imbued with consciousness, prana is the pillar supporting all the functions of the body and mind, from digestion and immunity to growth and cognition. Prana is the energy that sets our life in motion and empowers us to think, speak, and act."

Ayurveda stratified the mind into Tamasic (dull), Rajasic (active), and Sattvic (pure). Tamasic qualities were tackled through pure and light food and right thinking habits. Rajasic qualities were encouraged keeping an eye on Sattva or purity. Too much of anything was decried and conservation of energy directed towards purity in thought and actions was the goal. Internal purity was matched with external hygiene and cleanliness.

Both men and women received education which was a balance between logic, philosophy, history, social behaviour and craft. Marriage was a solemn occasion and a cause for festivity and celebration. After pregnancy often the bride stayed with her parents where she received love and care. She was encouraged to study the scriptures and also read it out for the womb. Today research into past life regression shows how the soul is extremely aware when it is in the womb. The consciousness is spread out and it experiences the environment. Seeding it with good intentions in this stage provides a solid foundation for life.

Many of us are drawn to certain natural sounds and smells. If properly investigated it could be revealed that they are sensations we have experienced while in the womb. This is not a figment of imagination but revealed by subjects under hypnosis. Thus education during the womb and maintaining an alkaline environment for the fetus are very important.

The world today is waking up to the immense benefits associated with a drug free pregnancy, natural childbirth, breastfeeding, and medicine free childhood. It is a source of great joy to see young women going all out to ensure the best for their child. They need to wake up to trusting nature the rest of the way and the immense benefits that common childhood ailments have to offer. Nature abhors disease; it always strives towards optimum health if left to itself. 

The intensity of the childhood illnesses can be drastically reduced if the parents detoxify themselves before deciding to conceive. They also need to ensure a drug free pregnancy and natural childbirth. The young mother also needs to be careful about her food during the period she breastfeeds the child.

They need to trust the ayurveds and homeopaths. These forms of medicine recognize the roles of internal processes and know how to assist them. They are based on the vital force theory of disease that modern medicine is slowly waking up to as they study the amazing power of cellular health and mitochondrial energy and its role in maintaining the efficiency and health of various organs. Sadly they thoroughly disturb this very force when they vaccinate children.

Young parents also need to learn that internal health is more important than external appearances. They often get frightened when in their children the vital force throws the disease on the surface in the form of eruptions. These eruptions are but toxins that only the strongest organ of the body, the skin, can handle. When the body throws them out the load on internal organs is eased. Today while dealing with cancers, the modern doctors are waking up to the immense healing powers of fever and eruptions.

A drug free infancy and childhood has benefits at several levels. It ensures strong vitality and also encourages a mindset that will also preserve that strength. The parents need to properly educate their children; often by being examples themselves because children shape their future based upon what they observe in their parents.


Disease is caused by;

  • Wrong mentality
  • Negative emotions; Fear, anxiety, stress, anger, jealousy
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Wrong food habits
  • Wrong dissipation of energy
  • Not following timeliness of work, eating, and sleep
  • Dullness & lack of exercise
  • Toxicity
  • Waste build up in the body
  • Suppressive treatment

All of the above deplete vitality.

Health is ensured through the following;

  • Love and care
  • Good and positive education
  • Positive mentality
  • Freedom from anxiety & stress
  • Community life
  • Safe food & nutrition
  • Clean and natural water
  • Physical labour and exercise
  • Yoga and pranayama
  • Moderation in habits
  • Toxin free natural environment
  • Sanitation & hygiene (internal and external)
  • Awareness and knowledge of good health
  • Education on the healing properties of nature, food, herbs and spices
  • Lifestyle education

The body heals through the work of the vital force that ensures the following;

  • Acute diseases like fever, diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting, inflammation, and skin ailments. These throw out the waste and toxins.
  • Creating desire for rest and sleep to help in recovery
  • Creating thirst for water, that hydrates
  • Reducing appetite so that the vital force can concentrate on the healing

To heal, the medical system needs the following knowledge;

  • Knowledge about what is health at individual and community levels
  • What are the indicators of good health and well being
  • Knowledge about what is energy and vitality
  • Which factors are threats to energy and vitality
  • What actions protect and conserve the energy and vitality
  • Which factors ensure good health and well being (basic determinants of health)
  • What are the threats to good health and well being
  • What leads to disease; the irritating factors that must be removed
  • How the body tackles disease and gets back to health
  • How the healing process of the body can be facilitated by the healer
  • In short, the focus should be on health and health alone

Maybe this is how we can shape a society that veers away from violence, hatred and crimes. Maybe this is how we can implant love, compassion, and a strong sense of justice. Maybe this is how we can fulfill the aspirations of the Universe.

With love to all. Namaste.